Koc University hospital became operational in september 2014 as a research and training
hospital. Maintains our reputable position by ensuring reliable patient care, mutual and
transparent communication, continuos development while preserving international quality
accreditions and standards.
Total Hospital area:97,510 m2
patient Rooms 381
bone marrow TX 22
ICU 71
Operating Rooms 12
Delivary Rooms 4
Observation Beds 95
Examination Rooms 128
Chemotherapy Units 22
programs of training
cardiology training course
gynecology training course
basic course for abdominal robotic surgery
cardiovascular training course
gynecology & obstetrics ultrasound course
USG training course
laparoscopic general surgery course
Robotic surgery operating room course for Nurses
And we have all the programs in medical branches​
undergrads. 1 week 500 USD , 2 weeks 1000 USD , 4 weeks 1500 USD
postgrads, 1 week 750 USD , 2 weeks 1250 USD , 4 weeks 1750 USD
Mentioned fees are inclusive of 3meals at hospital , certificate of attendance ​,
Air port pick up service , the accomodation in hotel we can make a reservation it is out
of programs fees it is extra about (30$ to 40$) per night.