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                          KOC UNIVERSITY HOSPITAl


 Koc University hospital became operational in september 2014 as a research and training 


hospital. Maintains our reputable position by ensuring reliable patient care, mutual and


transparent communication, continuos development while preserving international quality


accreditions and standards.


 Total Hospital area:97,510 m2

  1. patient Rooms              381

  2. bone marrow TX            22

  3. ICU                                 71

  4. Operating Rooms          12

  5. Delivary Rooms             4

  6.  Observation Beds         95

  7. Examination Rooms      128

  8. Chemotherapy Units      22


                                                       programs of training


  1. cardiology training course

  2. gynecology training course

  3. basic course for abdominal robotic surgery

  4. cardiovascular training course

  5. gynecology & obstetrics ultrasound course

  6. USG training course

  7. laparoscopic general surgery course

  8. Robotic surgery operating room course for Nurses

And we have all the programs in medical branches​


  1. undergrads. 1 week 500 USD , 2 weeks 1000 USD , 4 weeks 1500 USD

  2. postgrads, 1 week 750 USD , 2 weeks 1250 USD , 4 weeks 1750 USD

Mentioned fees are inclusive of 3meals at hospital , certificate of attendance ​,

Air port pick up service , the accomodation in hotel we can make a reservation it is out 

of programs fees it is extra about (30$ to 40$) per night.





Tel: +905314365021




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